Nimitz Beef Burger patties
Hot Sauce
Fresh Burger BunsCheesePreperation
Just look at the picture and emulate it. Best if the bun is toasted, the eggs are fried medium and there are some caramelized onions and mushrooms added to the burger. The one slice of cheese and some hot sauce and it is ready to serve. Also can be served with cilantro on it, if you like that kind of thing.
Serves 4 -5 Ingredients
½ lb Ground Beef
1 lb of potatoes
Half an Onion
Jalapeno Pepper
Cheese Cheddar or Monterey Jack
Green Onions
3-4 Mushrooms
You can top it with fresh Dill if that is something you likePreperation:
Brown beef and add the chopped onion, mushrooms and jalapenos cook until onions are starting to caramelize.
Preparing Potatoes: To get the right crispiness in the potatoes it is easiest to shred them, then fry them in a pot with a half inch of canola oil in it. You are essentially deep frying them in the oil so make sure it is hot.
Takes about 5 minutes until they start to brown and crisp
Add them to the beef in the pan.
Reduce the temperature and add the eggs, cheese and green onions.
Keep the temperature low so that you do not overcook the eggs, takes 5-10 minutes.
Serve it up. Goes good with hot sauce